Cory Conacher Ottawa’s Newest Senator

A great story worth watching.


What a Fucking Shame… :-(

Just a thought. And yes you probably will.


Love Spreads… The Stone Roses

Always playing in my noggin…. well not always, just often.


VE Day

VE Day

I haven’t posted here is a bit. Yes, yesterday was VE Day! Celebrations all throughout Europe and The Americas.  I’m doing fine, wasn’t as great a battle as one might think, although not really a big issue anyways.

As for April: April is about rebirth, renewal. Not death. Remember the past and hold it close but I really do wish everyone looks forward to the spring.  It was a particularly long winter. A winter of thought, understanding, dealing, coping and hopefully really understanding our lives, situations and moving forward in a positive, balanced and enlightened future. All of us.

Swords into ploughshares, The pen being mightier than the sword.

This is the ONLY road I can travel the rest of my life now, consternation and strife is soul destroying and one I was not used to.  Find peace with everyone dear in your life if you can. Peace.  There truly is nothing wrong with a healthy dose of Zen.  Finding a peaceful core is infinitely better for your soul than a constant state of battle.

Many people comment that I should write a book, and I may one day. Then again in some respects I have written that book internally, in my head, my heart my soul.  Those who know DO know, regardless of the past present or future.

Glow. Shine. Sparkle!  Just don’t ever commit yourself to burning up in hellfire. The light emitted from that energy benefits no one in the end.  Find the positive light. 🙂 🙂

Mark Twain on April 1

Mark Twain    The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year..