Where would I be without Pearl Jam? I must send them a heartfelt letter. Understood. Now this band… BANG!! Wow… they just work.
Solitude. Peace. Reflection. The greatest metamorphosis in one’s life requires it..
Awakening of the Human Soul
Where would I be without Pearl Jam? I must send them a heartfelt letter. Understood. Now this band… BANG!! Wow… they just work.
Solitude. Peace. Reflection. The greatest metamorphosis in one’s life requires it..
Yes the days are long, the days are busy and I am tired by the end of them. But the work/philanthropy focus is positive. Work works! Hopefully my child, clients and community will be better for my ongoing efforts. 🙂
Life and transformations…One can see themselves burning up in another’s personal hades… gets close to the precipice and is eventually saved by that very inferno’s ever lapping flames. Truly ironic. Truly soul changing journey. Thank you..
Flower god, god of the spring, beautiful, bountiful,
Cold-dyed shield in the sky, lover of versicles,
Here I wander in April Cold, grey-headed;
and still to my Heart, Spring comes with a bound, Spring the deliverer,
Spring, song-leader in woods, chorally resonant;
Spring, flower-planter in meadows,
Child-conductor in willowy
Fields deep dotted with bloom, daisies and crocuses:
Here that child from his heart drinks of eternity:
O child, happy are children!
She still smiles on their innocence,
She, dear mother in God, fostering violets,
Fills earth full of her scents, voices and violins:
Thus one cunning in music
Wakes old chords in the memory:
Thus fair earth in the Spring leads her performances.
One more touch of the bow, smell of the virginal
Green – one more, and my bosom
Feels new life with an ecstasy..
I have poured a TON of time and resources into re-launching… here’s to a successful repositioning of the business and a new start that is well underway! Hopefully our timing with BlackBerry’s new offerings in 2013 is well timed.
BlackBerry LIVE in Orlando next month in May. Warm weather if it is still snowy here. Ugh..
Went to an Ottawa Life Magazine social event tonight at EQ3 in my capacity as President and Co-Chair of Oktoberfest Ottawa Inc. Ironic as Kichessippi Beer was there as the beverage server. It was our mutual brainchild that spawn Oktoberfest Ottawa. Yeah…Stand down. 7 months… nothing. Nary a friggin single tipple. I can read and adhere to documents. Leave it fucking be. No need to put a Cork in it.
Anyways… Fuck where am I, oh yeah: Single Social Scene. Surreal. Some days you realize you have a long, long way to go despite the healthier path you are now on.
Heading back home, this song was playing as I got into my car. It shook up an already emotional self.
Followed by this song: Fucking Coldplay… Christ sakes.
The one two punch of songs just completely wiped me out driving back home.
Think. Tears.
The Outsiders movie is 30 years old this year. My 13 year old daughter is now reading SE Hinton’s classic and watching Coppola’s masterpiece in school. Praise be the time! Seems like a long, long time ago AND seems like yesterday all at once. Memories then and now.
The ‘mobile world’ is truly an explosive, exciting world. Love the work being done and the emergence of these bring young ladies makes it even more exciting. Gender Democracy in Digital. Wonderful.