4 Aims of Life

Aims of Life

Got this from someone very close to me this morning… one of the sage souls who forewarned me of my chosen life path.  Very interesting, seems so Rear View Mirror now and ‘that whole reality’ seems like a distant concept.  I have figured that final piece out (even if intellectually initially and hopefully in spirit and in my soul) The God (spirituality) part of one’s purpose of life. The accountability part. To wit, I give you the 4 Aims of Life… without that balance you, me anyone reading this is fucked. If not now, just a matter of time.


So when if/when it comes to my future any reality won’t affect me the way some would hope it would.  I have gone through the MASSIVE metamorphosis, survived, and will thrive.

The one thing the past few years has taught me:

Everything doesn’t necessarily happen for a reason, but there is a DEFINATELY a reason for everything that happens.

Time heals all… with the right perspective.


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