80/20 Rule.
Perry Marshall is one of the most profound marketers and thinkers of our time, yet most people do not know about him. The #1 mentor to my online success, I would highly recommend anyone in business follow his blog, watch his video’s or take his courses.
Now the 80/20 Rule: I have seen it in business, in life and in most things pertaining to the the human condition. 20% Of your sales reps produce 80% of your results. 20% of your clients produce 80% of your revenue. And within that 20%, 20% of those clients produce 80% of that subset’s revenue. Fascinating but true.
This works in all areas of life in all manners, legal, health, business, education. Any measurable dynamic produces this 80/20 rule.
Re engaging with positive influences like Perry Marshall, Dave Ramsey, Brian Tracey, and Frank Kern and the like will yield much greater personal benefit than other choices one can make.
You become what you bathe your mind in. Everyone please choose wisely. You will become what is your greatest influence. Good or bad.
Associate with givers not takers, workers not the work less, results driven people not drama kings and queens whose sole purpose is to draw attention to them regardless of the consequences.