Went to an Ottawa Life Magazine social event tonight at EQ3 in my capacity as President and Co-Chair of Oktoberfest Ottawa Inc. Ironic as Kichessippi Beer was there as the beverage server. It was our mutual brainchild that spawn Oktoberfest Ottawa. Yeah…Stand down. 7 months… nothing. Nary a friggin single tipple. I can read and adhere to documents. Leave it fucking be. No need to put a Cork in it.
Anyways… Fuck where am I, oh yeah: Single Social Scene. Surreal. Some days you realize you have a long, long way to go despite the healthier path you are now on.
Heading back home, this song was playing as I got into my car. It shook up an already emotional self.
Followed by this song: Fucking Coldplay… Christ sakes.
The one two punch of songs just completely wiped me out driving back home.
Think. Tears.