

Rihanna poignant speech

The reason I hold on
Cause I need this hole gone
Funny you’re the broken one
But I’m the only one who needed saving
Cause when you never see the light
It’s hard to know which one of us is caving.

Lemme Think About It.

Hmmmm… yeah.  Sure.


Round 3 tomorrow..

Why Blog?

Purpose of Writing Blog

Why blog?  Why write down your daily thoughts in public view?  Well who knows, I have owned a few blogs in the past, some business and some personal.  I think there are times in your life where putting thought to paper (or keyboard as it were) is a cathartic process.  Many many years ago I wrote diary style during a relationship in my early twenties. I still have those journals. Yet I don’t look back and read through what I wrote when I was 22 years old, but maybe my daughter has!

I know not to throw away or burn any of this… someone near and dear to me in the past did such a thing and told me how regretful they were for doing that.  So I won’t.  Anything of a truly personal nature I will password protect – some things are meant for certain eyes only.

Anger, hope, love, peace, reflection, resurrection, sadness, joy are all put down here. Like a picture of my swampy pool on a rainy day, made me hope for spring.  FaceBook is a bit too traffic laden a place to deposit all of one’s thoughts, and a blog fits nicely into what one sometimes needs as a vehicle to articulate said thoughts.

I don’t get too personal with family/personal life here, but those who would know could know what I am talking about… sometimes.  Life has many twists and turns, and at this stage of life I have gained allot of wisdom though on the surface (and in my heart) I have lost so much over the past few years. It is interesting to note that every significant person in my life over the past 10 years is gone now, or the relationship has markedly changed, starting back in June of 2007 right up to this past fall. It is what it is… I cared deeply for everyone of them, in their own way.

What you truly hope to never lose is your children.  That’s it.  Relationships come and go, friends are there and fade away, but being a parent is a lifetime job.  Even if it isn’t a full time job any longer. And there are many major lessons about children that this ol’ man has learned through this period of time. There are some decisions anyone regrets, but the big decisions I cannot tell anyone I really do.  Foolish to look in the rearview mirror and say ‘oh I would have not done this or that’ remember those moments:  some major decisions you ponder but it was the ONLY choice you wanted to make. The only choice you could make.

I think the guiding principals anyone adopts through life and holds dear is the result of challenging times and times of great growth.  I have grown immensely.  That never ends.  My one major failure point in life I know so much more about, even if I will never venture down that road again. I must stay true to some guiding principles… seek them out if you don’t have them, and you will be fine.

Pearl Jam, Rearview Mirror 2000. Pinkpop Netherlands

Pinterestification / Instagramification of FaceBook

Rotten eCards relationshipsIt is interesting to see the Pinterestification / Instagramification of FaceBook. More and more quotes, posting of humorous or enlightening pictures… and less real content.  It is curious and really interesting to see what people post these days.

We’ll see where all this goes.  But it would be nice to see and read peoples opinion (in moderation!) and photos of daily lives and a ‘wee bit less’ of the Rotten eCards that are littering the FaceBook landscape.Rotten eCards whips.

I’ll Buy Two…

Keep Calm and Carry On

One for the CasaGrotto, and one for the new Bed N’ Breakfast! What shall I name it… I’ll give it some thought. Keep Calm and Carry On. Indeed. 🙂


Mad Men

Mad Men Season 5

After a two-year hiatus, I have decided to lock back in on Mad Men. Having not seen Season 5 I have been looking for it from various places.  Frustrated, I turned to Rogers On Demand to find it.  Not there. I watched a 4 minute capsule about the last season and figured fack it, I’ll just watch season 6 and move on.

Then it struck me.  I don’t need to watch Season 5, I’ve probably just lived it. Mad Men: Indeed.

Bostonians Celebrate the Capture of the Boy Bomber

How do you mark the ’23 hour siege’ of Boston with the capture of the 19 year old terror suspect?  Why you take to the streets, crush beers, chant USA! USA! and say ‘Boston Strong’ ad nauseum.  If you watch this video you will probably conclude that Tom Browkaw’s ‘Greatest Generation’ won’t  have much competition from this current one.

Party on…

Brothers and Their Religous Beliefs

Oh Brother Where Art Thou?

Just has a massive ‘a-ha’ moment. Brothers: and spiritual grounding. Discovered recently or for years brothers finding their belief systems… systems that extend beyond themselves.  No longer their own Gods, and the sense of grounding it gives them, the accountability.  Why it works.  Why we all need that. Why I understand that is a piece to this whole rebuild.

Hit me like a ray of sunshine today.  I thought to myself and have been told by my own brother what is needed.  But you really have to find it yourself.  Being accountable to a higher power is about the BEST thing any person can do.  But finding that isn’t easy.  I ask you to think about it… THEY ‘GET’ IT!!  All I have to do is compare respective realities. We see how they are today. I could not have come this far without mine.

Ok I didn’t plan another Pearl Jam song but it came to my head that they sing the song Brother. So in true Dwight Brown fashion I present… Brother. 🙂 🙂

Backyard Rain and Garbage

Song popped in my head as I work away today. Figured I would take a picture of the backyard too.

CasaGrotto Backyard

Garbage:  I’m Only Happy When It Rains
